Our Office
Our Office
Employee Benefits
Compensation Package
Employee Insurance, Severance Pay, Vacation Days
Basic Employee Benefits such as employee insurance, severance pay, and vacation days are guaranteed.
Bonus Pay
Employees are given a bonus pay when company goals are achieved.
Long Tenure Bonus Pay
Bonus rewards and extra vacation days for every 3 & 5 years of work at ONEPREDICT.
Work Environment
Core Day Monday – Friday,
Core Work Hours 11:00 – 16:00
Culture of Respect
We respect everyone we work with.
Free Lunch
Free lunch of your choice.
Overtime Dinner
When you have to work overtime, dinner is covered by us.
In-office Cafe
Unlimited coffee, drinks, and snacks provided at our Awesome Place Cafe.
Take a break in our lounge with a private room and a message chair.
Convenient Location
Our office is located within 200m of Seolleung Station!
Work Equipment
We support our employees with the best possible work equipment and software programs.
Free Taxi Ride
Feel free to take a cab for business trips and when you’re working after 11pm.
Work-related Books
We support growth by purchasing work-related books by request.
Work-related conferences are always encouraged to attend.
Annual Health Check-up
We provide a day off for annual health check-ups. One additional family member is also supported.
Happy Birthday!
Take the day off on your birthday to spend time with your loved ones.
Tiki-taka Day
We offer a monthly opportunity for guardians to engage and interact with each other.
(You are free to leave work two hours early on this day)
Fun Office Clubs
All kinds of office clubs including sports, board games, etc. are financially supported every month.
Office Cars
When office cars are not in use, you can borrow them on the weekend for a drive!
Office Tour
Bring in your family and friends for an office tour! Lunch is on us.
Employee Benefits
Compensation Package
Employee Insurance,
Severance Pay,
Vacation Days
Bonus Pay
Employee Referral
/Patent Reward
Long Tenure Bonus Pay
Basic Employee Benefits such as employee insurance, severance pay, and vacation days are guaranteed.
Employees are given a bonus pay when company goals are achieved.
Special rewards for employee referral and patents!
Bonus rewards and extra vacation days for every 3 & 5 years of work at ONEPREDICT.
Work Environment
Culture of Respect
Free Lunch
Overtime Dinner
In-office Cafe
Convenient Location
Work Equipment
Free Taxi Ride
Work-related Books
Core Day Monday – Friday, Core Work Hours 11:00 – 16:00
We respect everyone we work with.
Free lunch of your choice.
When you have to work overtime, dinner is covered by us.
Unlimited coffee, drinks, and snacks provided at our Awesome Place Cafe.
Take a break in our lounge with a private room and a message chair.
Our office is located within 200m of Seolleung Station!
We support our employees with the best possible work equipment and software programs.
Feel free to take a cab for business trips and when you’re working after 11pm.
We support growth by purchasing work-related books by request.
Work-related conferences are always encouraged to attend.
Annual Health Check-up
Happy Birthday!
Tiki-taka Day
Fun Office Clubs
Office Cars
Office Tour
We provide a day off for annual health check-ups. One additional family member is also supported.
Take the day off on your birthday to spend time with your loved ones.
We offer a monthly opportunity for guardians to engage and interact with each other.
(You are free to leave work two hours early on this day)
All kinds of office clubs including sports, board games, etc. are financially supported every month.
When office cars are not in use, you can borrow them on the weekend for a drive!
Bring in your family and friends for an office tour! Lunch is on us.